
Ayurveda is hidden in many secrets of improving memories

 Ayurveda is hidden in many secrets of improving memories

The brain of our body is a part that gives direction to the whole body parts to work smoothly. Without which no part of the body can work well. Often, many physical ailments affect our memory power. That is why it affects our brain. So let's know about some of the measures from which you can increase your memory power.


Almond is considered to be a good source to increase memory. Iron, copper, phosphorus, vitamin B, etc. found in it are found medicinal elements together. Therefore, consuming brain, heart and liver can help in working properly. To increase strength, soak five almonds in water. Take out the peel in the morning and make a paste by finely grinding it. Now drink a glass of milk and mix it in it. Consumption will benefit greatly.

Brahmi -

Brahmi is the famous medicines of brain development. Due to the antioxidant content present in Brahmi, memory power can be increased by its regular intake. Drinking one teaspoon of juice daily is highly beneficial. You can also chew it. Its 7 cards also benefit from the same mines.

Linseed oil-

Linseed oil is helpful in increasing your concentration. It is very effective in speeding up brain power. Regular use of linseed oil does not cause any brain related disorder.


The fennel used in the house every day is a spice. Regular use of it provides many health benefits. Make the powder by mixing the fennel and sugar mixed in equal quantity. Keeping this powder in two teaspoons after morning and evening helps to overcome the weakness of the brain.


Nut-Omega-3 fatty acids are found in abundance. Minerals like manganese, copper, potassium, iron, magnesium zinc and selenium are also found in this. Nut is a very good source of vitamin E which is beneficial for the brain.


Cinnamon is not only a hot spice but also a medicine. It is a beneficial drug for weak memory. Consumption of this can be done by removing a pinch of cinnamon powder with honey regularly while sleeping at night, mental stress can be overcome.

Black pepper-

The black pepper is far more beneficial than the smallest in appearance. Many medicinal properties are found in black pepper. Black pepper is beneficial in removing brain weakness and enhancing memory.

Pardeep Sidhu

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